Your vehicle is the one of most expensive purchases you make next to purchasing a home. So purchasing a warranty to protect this investment and to guard yourself against unexpected expenses is important and in most cases offers a peace of mind. Here are our compilations of some of the top rated Extended Warranty Companies online.
Endurance Warranty is one of the top rated auto warranty companies in the US. Known for it’s excellent customer service, they offer excellent packages direct to consumers with numerous repair options when needed. |
Delta Auto Protect extended auto warranty for cars, trucks and other vehicles pays your auto repair bills directly and has a money back guarantee. They provide 24 hours a day 7 days a week road service and employs ASE technical staff who have experience in the automotive industry. |
Wanted Auto Protect offers customers the coverage for unexpected auto repairs. Their easy to use comparison tool shows the best options and features for an extended warranty service versus a manufacturers warranty plan.They also offer free roadside assistance whenever needed. |
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